The Bowl
Probably our most requested course, The Bowl is a combination of hedgerows, open grasslands, steep ravine and creek bottom. One of the most natural pheasant habitats you'll find in Ontario. It makes for a challenging and exciting hunt. This year, the crop surrounding the course is soybeans.

View of the back side of The Bowl, as seen from Irons Cabin
The Pines
The Pines course follows a ravine back towards the Thames River, and be quite steep in places. The ravine is bordered by grassland areas and is flanked by crops on either side ,soybeans to the west and corn to the east. This course also includes the woods that border the crops.

View of The Pines course
The Front Field
New for 2024 is an incredible 24 acre parcel at the front of the preserve, bordering Celtic Line. This field has been thoughtfully planted with strips of millet, sorghum, buckwheat and sudan grass. It offers amazing pheasant cover in an easy-to-walk course. This course is also an excellent choice if you're training a young dog or just like to keep your dog in closer view. We can't wait to get out and chase pheasants in this field! This course is bordered by a row of evergreens to the east and corn to the north.

View of The Front Field course as of September
New for 2024 is a 65 acre field across the road we call Homestead. This field is huge and offers lower cover, a mix of clover and grasses. It is set well back from the road and is bordered by woods.

View of Homestead course as of October